The psychological crime thriller “Horn and Ivory” has been chosen for screening in the Indian Panorama category at the 21st Chennai International Film Festival, scheduled for December 16, 2023. Latha Warrier, the first-time producer of the film, expressed gratitude to the jury and excitement about sharing the platform with renowned filmmakers, including Vivek Agnihotri, whose film “The Vaccine War” is also part of the festival.
“Horn and Ivory” runs for ninety-three minutes and revolves around the struggles of an aspiring young actress in the competitive world of showbiz. The film’s title, “Horn and Ivory,” draws inspiration from the Gates of Horn and Ivory, symbolizing the gates of true and false dreams.
The film’s writer and director, Dr. Vineet Yadav, conceived the idea during a hike on the Lonavala-Rajmachi forest trail. Initially planned as a short film, it evolved into a full-length feature. Despite having a limited budget, the film boasts world-class cinematography, captured with Red Helium 8K cameras. The picturesque locations, including an island setting and the Red Square in Moscow, enhance the visual appeal of the film.
“Horn and Ivory” features the collaboration of Indian and Russian talents, with Daria Gavrushenko, a Russian actress, playing a crucial role. The film underwent changes, including the shift from the working title “My Rainbow, My Colors” to “Horn and Ivory.” The production process was marked by serendipitous encounters and collaborations, making it a unique and memorable experience for the team.
Producer Latha Warrier highlighted the smooth production process, citing chance encounters and collaborations that facilitated the film’s overseas shooting and logistical support. The inclusion of “Horn and Ivory” in the Chennai International Film Festival’s Indian Panorama category is a recognition of the film’s compelling narrative and visual excellence.