Yes, HanuMan movie has completed five glorious days at the box office since its release on January 12. The film has been well received in India and across the globe. Just like Karthikeya 2 movie did magic in 2022 in Hindi market, this film also going in the same direction with its superb collections so far.
HanuMan movie has so far earned 2.15 crores on day 1, followed by 4.06 crores on day 2. On day 3- 6.17 crores on day 4- 3.80 crores and on day 5 it has earned 2.60 crores taking the five days total around 18.77 crores nett. It is important to note that day 5 was a normal working Tuesday, still this film has earned better than first day. That shows the value of this film in Hindi market. Family audience are going in full throttle to the cinemas to witness this epic film.
On day 6, HanuMan movie morning show audience occupancy is around 6 percent in Hindi version. On 6th day HanuMan has a strong potential to rake around 2 to 3 crores nett in Hindi market. If that happens, HanuMan movie will collect around 20.77 to 21.77 crores nett.
Directed and written by Zombie Reddy (2022) fame Prasanth Varma. This film stars Teja Sajja and Amritha Aiyer in main lead.
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Note: These above collections are just an estimates and they are not the final figures.