Gangs Of Filmistan is a comedy show that has aired on August 31, 2020 on Monday. The early responses of Gangs Of Filmistan first episode is not a promising one but we should wait and see what this show has stored for us.
Gangs Of Filmistan Starcast:This show starred Sunil Grover, Shilpa Shinde, Siddharth Sagar, Sanket Bhosle, Sugandha Mishra, Rajeev Mehra, Upasana Singh and many others.
Budget:The budget of the show hasn’t been revealed by the makers. Still, by looking at the whole show, the budget of per episode will be in a range of 80 lakhs to 1 crore minimum. Still, the TRP of the show can will decide the fate and the budget of this new comedy show.
Story: The theme of Gangs Of Filmistan is a movie spoof parody. It means, enacting a movie scenes with funny dialogues. Few years back, there was a show called Comedy Classes, which also did the same and audience loved it. So, there are chances that audience will love Gangs Of Filmistan.
Gangs Of Filmistan Release Date and Timing:
The show has already premiered on Star Bharat on August 31, 2020 at 8 pm. It is a one hour long show and it will be coming from Monday to Friday every week.
Recently, there is a shocking update where Shilpa Shinde is planning to quit Gangs Of Filmistan after not getting enough screen time. Hope this controversy resolves soon.
Altogether, the makers has released Gangs Of Filmistan show reportedly to give competition to The Kapil Sharma Show. Well, it would be important to see how this new show performs in front of the TV audience.
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