What could be a better birthday gift for Manav Manglani, an ace bollywood photographer and one of the biggest content creator, than reaching the milestone of 2 million friends and followers on instagram on the day of his own birthday!

On the day of his birthday today, Manav Manglani got the surprising birthday gift from his digital friends for which he is thankful to those who made it possible and who always have been his constant support throughout his adventurous journey in Bollywood.
On instagram, not only common people but many big celebrities from the entertainment industry also follow Manav Manglani to know the latest happenings in and around the industry through his latest photos and videos.
Manav Manglani has been an ace photographer and content creator Bollywood who is always first to get pictures and videos of biggest celebrities in the industry. As a cub photographer he started his journey more than two decades back and quickly learnt the ropes and made a name for himself in no time. Manav has a huge fan following on social media who awaits pictures and videos put up by him. Needless to say, that he is the one who always the first to bring all kind of exclusive pictures and videos of celebrities and Bollywood happenings. The 2 million people following him on Instagram is a proof in itself. Manav Manglani has achieved this feat in a very short span of time which is quite remarkable in itself.
Content creator Manav Manglani and his team make sure that no pictures or videos of celebs are missed from their prying eyes. Manav and his team also make sure that they are the first one to put out these pictures and videos and give the exclusive glimpses of the stars.
Interestingly, Manav Manglani is known as celebrity photographer who is invited in all the big events of Bollywood. Interestingly, biggest of the stars from the entertainment industry know him by his name and treat him very respectfully. He always strive hard to click celebrities on various occasions and create unique content which is quite different from others.
Birthday boy Manav Manglani said, “Name is what I have earned for myself in the industry and it would have not been possible without people who always encourage and support my work. I am thankful to each and every fan and follower of mine. Thanks for the lovely birthday gift of 2 million followers on Instagram”.
Here is wishing Manav Manglani a very Happy Birthday!